Site dédié à la Science de l'Esprit de Rudolf Steiner Anthroposophie

Questionnements, essais et contenus portant sur divers aspects liés à la science de l'esprit (science initiatique moderne) de Rudolf Steiner.
Beaucoup d'articles sur ce site requièrent un travail d'étude sérieux, portant sur des connaissances épistémologiques et ésotériques, pour être compréhensibles.


 « Le problème le plus important de toute la pensée humaine : Saisir l'être humain en tant qu'individualité libre, fondée en elle-même »
Vérité et Science, Rudolf Steiner


  • "Dans les articles « Comment acquérir des connaissances des mondes supérieurs ? » se trouve une description de bien des conditions que l'homme doit remplir pour parcourir le chemin de la connaissance et pénétrer dans les mondes supérieurs. Pourtant, ces articles ne peuvent donner que des détails, même si leur étendue était trois, oui, même dix fois plus grande — il y aurait infiniment à dire sur ce sujet ! —. Aussi est-il toujours utile de fournir des détails complémentaires dans cette direction. On ne peut chaque fois éclairer le sujet qu'à partir d'un certain point de vue, et l'on doit s'en tenir au principe que ce que l'on a gagné d'un côté, demande toujours à être complété en l'éclairant d'un autre côté."
    Berlin, 26 octobre 1908 - GA107

    Rudolf Steiner
Boussole d'orientation

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Fil d'actualité - Terry Boardman -

The official website of author and lecturer Terry Boardman. 
Articles on the New World Order, East-west issues, Kaspar Hauser and more

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Les 10 derniers articles publiés sur le site


Official Website of author, lecturer and translator Terry Boardman
  1.  A slightly revised and corrected version of an article that first appeared in New View magazine issue 110 Jan.-March 2024 David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister, read out Israel’s Declaration of Independence in the Tel Aviv Museum Hall on 14 May 1948; it included the following words: “In the year 5657 (1897), at the summons [...]
  2. This article was written as a response to J. Paul Greenaway’s article Is “spiritual science” science? The flawed legacy of Rudolf Steiner published in the Comment section of the UK Column website on 25 May 2023. UK Column declined to publish the article, and so it has been published here. J. Paul Greenaway’s waspish hit-piece on [...]
  3. This article first appeared in New View magazine Issue #108  July-Sept 2023 To the majestic heights of summer The Sun’s brilliant being arises It draws my human feeling out And into its vast expanse of space. Intuitively, within my soul A sense is stirring that dimly tells me: In future time you will understand That [...]
  4. This article first appeared in New View magazine #107 April-June 2023 People born in the middle of a century, like me (1952), tend to look back to the beginning of the century, the time of their grandparents’ youth, as well as to the end of the century, the time of their own maturity and old [...]
  5. This article first appeared in New View  magazine #106 Jan.- March 2023 In the three articles I have written in New View magazine this year about the conflict in Ukraine, a conflict which has broken out 33 years after the momentous events of the year 1989, and 233 years after the outbreak of the French [...]
  6. The two largest empires, the two greatest imperial rivals in the world for most of the 19th century were the British and the Russian. In the middle of that century their rivalry led to a major military conflict between them in Russia’s Crimea, a region thousands of miles from Britain and France, which those two [...]
  7. To heal an illness, we must first diagnose it correctly; we must understand what is causing it. What then are the roots of the Anglo-Russian antagonism that we see going on related to the conflict in Ukraine? For while the local conflict there appears to be one between Russians and Ukrainians that has its own [...]
  8. This article was first published in New View magazine No.103 April-June 2022 This year, which happens to be the Year of the Tiger in the traditional Chinese calendar, the month of March (in the western calendar) was dominated by the movements of the planet after which the month is named – Mars. When Vladimir Putin [...]
  9. This article was first published in New View magazine #101 Oct-Dec 2021 In the [Greco-Roman] epoch the Christ Impulse was born out of the forces of death for the salvation of mankind.  …. in [our current] epoch mankind is led by a strange paradox to a renewed experience of the Mystery of Golgotha through the [...]
  10. This article was first published in The Present Age magazine Vol. 5 No. 11, July 2020 If we contemplate the number 23, we can recall that the most famous Psalm in the Bible – Psalm 23 – speaks of man’s confidence in his trust in God’s support. The Koran was revealed to Mohammed over a [...]

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